Wednesday, February 20, 2013

It's been awhile

While I have been taking lots of pictures, I have been very busy and haven't taken the time to blog lately.  Jackson is getting funnier and smarter by the minute.  Daily, I am shocked by the things he says and does.  He is really into Toy Story, trains, and dinosaurs right now.  He has decided he's going to help me teach Vivienne to talk and will sit in front of her and talk to her about everything he does.  He's started reading.  He'll pick up a sight word here and there, but is still mainly "reading" from memory.  Potty training seems to be going backward again as he is just not interested in trying these days.  We are always on the go, so maybe after a couple of weeks off, we'll try again.  I'm not too worried about it until this summer though.  He's a stubborn kid!

Vivienne is starting to walk, taking a few steps here and there.  She's using a spoon, taking turns, fighting with her brother, and gaining independence.  She cracks me up because she is so proud anytime she does something relatively new.  She will stop, clap, and look around with a huge smile until everyone in the room claps and cheers for her.  Her language is still behind, but we are making some progress.  It's hard to believe she is 13 months already today!  Her little personality is coming out more and more and she is going to be a handful!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

What's School?

We had a few days of school last week and then started the weekend Thursday with the snow not slowing down.  We are home again tomorrow with another storm coming in tomorrow night.  I'm so not complaining.  We've been enjoying our time home together playing and re-arranging the playroom. I talked with Brenda and Willis tonight and they are missing the kids- and I know Jackson and Vivienne are missing them.  Vivienne is getting braver and braver and starting to push her push toys around practicing walking.  She's babbling more, though so far behind in language compared to where Jackson was.  We've been reading a lot this week and working on talking more.  Jackson is getting very lovey and cuddly this week and he never stops talking, which is probably why Vivienne never gets to practice.  Vivienne has her one year check up this Friday, so we'll see how much she has grown.  I think she's getting geared up for a growth spurt because she has been eating so much this weekend! I hope that we have some warmer temperatures with this snow- I'd love to get the kids sled riding again before it melts. Jackson needs to get out, he's having fun just running circles in the house- poor kid needs to burn some energy!  In the meantime, we will continue to enjoy this winter weather and break from school while we have it because I'll be craving a break here in a month or so.  The lights are back on in the Superbowl so I'm going to wrap it up with some picture from this week.