Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 1 of Christmas

Christmas break started today and Jackson and Vivienne were able to open gifts that had been waiting for them from Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Mamaw, Saba, and friends under the tree.  They had a lot of fun and were spoiled rotten.  I will take a blog break until after Christmas since we will be traveling and/or with family.  I will take lots of pictures and catch up after that.  Until then, you can keep up with the kids on Facebook and Instagram- I'll post a few phone pics :) I hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas!
Having fun wrestling 
What is it?  
A new book! 
 Opening her present from her Godmother
He loves his owl 
 Hmmm, what did Miss Vivienne get? 
 Working hard on the paper
 Vivienne loves her Velveteen Rabbit
Reading Mama a story 
Checking out her beautiful bracelet 
This doll is perfect for her to hold 
Reading about his new Stomp Rocket from Aunt Carrie and Uncle James and Liam and Brendan 
 Listening to her card from Patricia, Allison and Candy
He was too busy checking out the alphabet train they got him 
Showing off her new doll from the French clan again 
What did Uncle Luke, Aunt Kari, and Carter get?  
A school bus! 
 Miss Vivienne having tea courtesy of Aunt Kari, Uncle Luke, and Carter
Jackson checking out his bag from Ms. Brenda 
 It's Molly!
He was so excited about his pants- it cracked me up 
Playing music and dancing with her trumpet from Ms. Brenda

Thank you everyone, my kids are so lucky to have so many people who care about them!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas break is almost here!

Today was our last day with students.  They went home an hour early and we had a cookie exchange party! I had to stay late to finish a last minute IEP and the weather outside is rough!  I'm so excited for the snow, but the wind is no fun.
Vivienne is 11 months old today- I can't believe my baby will be a year old in one month, time flies especially fast with the second one!  I had big plans for tonight, but I believe I'll call it an early night and focus on all my cleaning, wrapping, laundry and packing tomorrow when we get out.  Hopefully we will get out super early and Jackson and Vivienne can hang with Ms. Brenda while Russell and I get the house ready for Christmas.
Exciting news of the night is that Russell won us (I put his name in, but we'll say he won us) tickets to Sesame Street Live in Morgantown to see Elmo Makes Music.  Jackson and Vivienne are so going to love it!

Here are some pictures from our evening tonight.
 Getting ready to steal her brother's sippy cup
 She loves clapping!
 Watching the Polar Express with Joe Dog
The face I see most often- it means pick me up mom 
It's a good part 
Mama- the wolveses took the ticket!
 Getting so brave
She loves trains and trucks just like her big brother

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wild Child Wednesday

The steroids are hitting Jackson full on as he spent a lot of time in time out today thinking about why he should not hit, push, scream, kick, or spit on his friends.  He is absolutely wild!  I was busy baking my 100 cookies for the exchange and wrapping presents for the babysitter crew so Russell was in charge.  He took all the pictures :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cookie Party

We had some time to decorate our cookies.  Jackson has croup again so we had to keep it low key tonight. So while I'm trying to get my cookie exchange cookies done (why did I sign up for this?!) Jackson is enjoying the Polar Express.  Knock on wood, Viivenne went down in her crib at a normal time, so I think I'll just make these two batches of cookies tonight and finish the other 7 tomorrow.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Late Night Party

Blog posts will be short from now until the new year because I have lots of family to visit with, cookies to bake, presents to wrap, and all that holiday stuff :)  Vivienne has decided not to miss a single minute and never sleep again. Here are some of the pictures from yesterday and today.